The ICS Parents’ Handbook contains the guidelines that students and their families are asked to follow during the school year. We’ve tried not to make an extremely detailed list of rules that are difficult to keep. By the same token, we have attempted to create reasonable guidelines that will facilitate student learning. Immaculate Conception School adopts wholly the Handbook of School Policies of the Diocese of Joliet as the school’s own policies.

Your support in keeping these guidelines is extremely important. You must help us by doing your part and by encouraging the students from your family to do their part.

The faculty and staff at I.C.S. remain committed to being a “servant” school that attempts to meet the needs of those it touches. We pray that God will bless all those associated with I.C.S. during the school year.

Thank you for your prayers and cooperation.

School Board 2024-2025

Rob Martin - President

Samantha Shannon - Vice President

Chris Dearth
Laura Garcia
Andrea Kodat
Candice Lucero
Janine Petric

Ex Officio Members:
Mrs. Stacey Swanson
Reverend Jason Stone

If you are interested in joining and participating on the board, please reach out to one of the board members.

The board meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m